

三聚氰胺的檢測標準究竟應該訂定在多少的濃度才算是安全範圍?聯合報今天以一篇「歐盟標準 0.5ppm」 大話新聞錯得離譜來反駁,報導暗示三立大話新聞誤導民眾,錯將「人體每日容許量」當成「檢測限量標準」;看來,聯合報還是在玩文字遊戲。

進入世界衛生組織的首頁,看到在 9 月 29 日發佈的 New guidance issued on melamine levels in food,底下有一份 Guidance on melamine levels in food [pdf 70kb],在 Page 4 Safety/Risk Assessment 裡面首先提到 FDA 對於三聚氰胺的檢測標準為 0.63 mg per kg of body weight:

The US FDA has published an interim safety/risk assessment on melamine and structural analogues and has established for melamine a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.63 mg per kg of body weight per day.

然後是吵得很兇的 EFSA 歐盟的標準:
EFSA has published a provisional statement and recommended to apply a TDI of 0.5 mg per kg of body weight per day for the total of melamine and its analogues (ammeline, ammelide, cyanuric acid).
這裡的連結是一份 EFSA 早在在 2007 年美國檢驗出從中國進口的動物飼料含三聚氰胺後所發佈的聲明,老實說我並沒有看完全文,但是有把結論的部份讀完:

In conclusion, EFSA provisionally recommends to apply a TDI of 0.5 mg/kg b.w. per day for the total of melamine and its analogues (ammeline, ammelide, cyanuric acid). Because of a lack of toxicity data in domestic animals, EFSA provisionally recommends to apply this tolerable intake level as established for humans also to domestic animals.

最後是 9 月 24 日的更新說明:An updated Statement of EFSA on risks for public health due to the presences of melamine in infant milk and other milk products in China has been issued on 24th of September.

The primary target organ for melamine toxicity is the kidney. There is uncertainty with respect to the time scale for the development of kidney damage. Thus, EFSA applied a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.5 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) in considering possible health effects which might occur with repeated consumption of melamine contaminated products over a relatively short period.

再談,究竟什麼是 TDI (tolerable daily intake?什麼又是 ADI (acceptable daily intake)?報導中把 TDI 翻譯成「人體每日容許量」、「每日安全耐受量」、甚至為「每日攝取量」,究竟是否適當?

ADI 根據 WHO 的解釋

ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake)
An estimate of the amount of a substance in food or drinking water, expressed on a body-weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable risk (standard human = 60 kg). The ADI is listed in units of mg per kg of body weight.
看起來 ADI 是用來規範食品添加物的,而 TDI 呢?

TDIs are used for substances that do not have a reason to be found in food (as opposed to substances that do, such as additives, pesticide residues or veterinary drugs in foods- see ADI).

講這麼多只是想要反駁聯合報,到頭來討論多少 ppm 才「合理」根本就是浪費時間的屁話,我想要講的是「感覺」。

為了原本就不應該出現在食物裡面的東西,訂一個 2.5ppm 檢測濃度,請問,檢驗過了你就真的敢吃嗎?這個「三聚氰胺」是為了使奶製品有高蛋白反應而被惡意添加的,請問這樣的食品來源,你相信只是個案、不會懷疑其他中國製造的產品是否也如法炮製的在原料裡面搞鬼?我相信應該沒人會拿自己的健康作賭注吧?


22/Apr., 2010. Ford new Mondeo TDCi 交車

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