
啥?不能自選要同步的 Aperture 相簿?

事情發生在更新完 iOS 4.3.3 以後....原本同步進去 iPhone 的相簿通通不見了!
正當以為是 iTune 設定造成的,好整以暇的把電話連上 Air,打開 iTune....

Holy Shxt! 不僅是自選同步相簿的功能被反白,連同步所有相簿的選項都有問題,顯示照片數量是 0!該不會是 Aperture 的相簿被我誤殺了吧!趕緊打開 Aperture 檢查~呼,好在!照片都還在!可是奇怪的是,iTune 就是認不到 Aperture 裡面的相簿,所以也一直沒辦法放照片上去電話裡面,到底是出了啥事咧?

求助了萬能的 Google 大神之後,求得一帖藥方,原來早就有人遇到一樣的問題:
aperture will no longer sync with itunes! Iphone 4, Itunes 10, iOS 4.1


  1. Open iTunes and turn off the synch for pictures with iPhone attached. This should remove photos from iPhone.
  2. Unmount iPhone and quit iTunes
  3. Open Aperture while holding down the Option and Command Keys. This will offer you the opportunity to repair the photo library database. Do so.
  4. After database is rebuilt and Aperture opens, close it down.
  5. Open Finder and locate Aperture Library.
  6. Right click on Aperture Library and click on Show Package Contents
  7. Drag the iPod Photo Cache out of Aperture to Desktop
  8. Resynch iPhone with iTunes. When complete, click on Photos tab and reinstall photos
注意!按住 Command+Option 打開 Aperture 的時候要選 repair database,選 rebuild database 沒有用


22/Apr., 2010. Ford new Mondeo TDCi 交車

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