
Doner Kebab with Nan 開箱照

印象中這玩意好像在台灣沒有....不過在什麼東西都貴森森的歐洲(尤其是英國),Kebab 可以說是我們出外人的好朋友阿!今天中午因為吃了很難吃的 Farewell Lunch,晚上很想吃點重口味的;聽說宿舍附近有一間 Kebab 很好吃又不貴,來了這麼久了,今天總算是去「交關」一下了.

學校說寫論文不能用 Wikipedia 的東西,不過如果要查 what is X 的話,我覺得沒有啥比他更快的了~今天的 Kebab,根據 Wikipedia 的介紹,是一種土耳其人的食物,主要是由烤羊肉或雞肉加上一片像 Pizza 的餅皮,還有沙拉(也可以再加上薯條).
Döner kebab, literally "rotating meat" in Turkish, is sliced lamb or chicken loaf which is slowly roasted on a vertical rotating spit. It is similar to gyros and shawarma. Döner kebab is most popularly served in pita bread, as it is best known, with salad, but is also served in a dish with a salad and bread or French fries on the side, or used for Turkish pizzas called pide or "kebabpizza". Take-out döner kebab or shawarma restaurants are common in some parts of Europe. Döner kebab is said to be the best-selling fast food in Germany, Poland and Romania as well as being popular in Austria, the UK, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Canada, Ireland and Australia. Take-out gyros are popular in the United States, where beef and lamb are typically used; shawarma is also available.

這段很有意思. 我今天問了他們的營業時間,是從下午五點半到凌晨四點!這種營業時間在五點就下班的英國真不多見. 後來發現原來是為了英國的 PUB 文化(五點半那部份應該是足球,凌晨四點才是 PUB 吧....我猜的....)
In the UK kebabs (or Döner meat and chips) are most popularly eaten after a night out, representing a large part of British clubbing culture; and many kebab shops (and vans) will do their main business in the hours around closing time for local pubs and clubs. The same applies for The Netherlands, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Scandinavia. It is therefore not uncommon to find similar late-night kebab vending shops in holiday-clubbing destinations such as Ibiza, to accommodate for the British culture.

今天買的是大的羊肉 Kebab,三鎊五能吃到一大堆羊肉+沙拉實在是很便宜~我覺得味道就很像烤肉,只是把醬料從烤肉醬換成辣醬+美乃滋+蕃茄醬,味道還滿能被接受的;重點是!比英國其他食物好吃上百倍不只!英國的食物只能用「鬼見愁」來形容了....就像今天的中餐....唉....

根據不精準的目測,大的 Doner Kebab 那片餅皮(Nan)應該也有 10"~12" 左右吧.
還有另一家跟大 PizzaHut 一樣大~只是來回走路要三十分鐘




PS: 今天的中餐如下:索然無味燉牛肉+平凡無奇馬鈴薯泥+水煮蔬菜. 以上.


22/Apr., 2010. Ford new Mondeo TDCi 交車

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